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The practice of the ancient Indian art of Yoga has survived for centuries and is known as a way to reduce stress and pain and overcome physical and mental obstacles. Yoga exercises prescribed by Yogis to improve strength, flexibility, breathing, endurance, and coordination are now used worldwide to improve overall health. Some yoga practices also help people with injury recovery or sports training. Yoga involves many different postures (such as standing, sitting on the floor cross-legged) that help balance the body while performing deep breathing techniques. These poses also affect blood circulation in both muscle tissues and organs which helps prevent fatigue increase stamina while improving metabolism too. Increased blood flow throughout the body helps maintain muscles' strength while treating many ailments like arthritis or menstrual cramps. Yoga classes focus on a full range of physical activities from warm up to strengthening exercises and meditation. Yoga also includes static poses removing mental patterns, relieving stress and providing a wonderful environment for meditation. In the Yoga Sutras, the spiritual scripture of Yoga, Lord Siva tells his disciple Patanjali to "perform Yajnas for living beings" and also "to experience yourself as your own self". Hence we can see that the purpose of Yoga is spiritual not only physical. Vichara (self-reflection) is one of the most important aspects in understanding and practicing yoga. It can be done through introspection and meditation practices. The daily life may disrupt the mind-body balance and yoga helps one to regain self-control. Yoga can be practiced sitting and standing and is not confined to a particular posture. The individual will find himself or herself in a variety of postures that permit deeper relaxation and more upright posture than normal. Yoga is the way to self-realization and thus liberation from the samsara (cycle of birth and death). The ultimate aim of yoga is to attain freedom from ignorance and misery, to achieve emancipation while living in a body. The real fun comes when we look into our bodies and reality with awareness, because then we start experiencing ourselves. This way individuals can develop higher potentials, redirect energy flows in ways that are healthier for the body, mind, emotions, attitudes and behaviors. Vilambi kali Yoga is unique method of practicing yoga by which you can do it anywhere anytime whether sitting position or standing position. Yoga helps us to gain strength and flexibility, helps our mind, body and soul to remain beautiful and young. It is a great source of energy, it teaches us humility. Yoga teaches us to breathe deeply and slowly, it calms our mind and brings clarity of thoughts. Yoga originated from Indian culture which is extensively mentioned in ancient texts of Hinduism. The Vedas- sacred scriptures of orthodox Hindus- deal with the philosophy of Yoga extensively. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras which consists of 196 mantras gives a clear picture of yoga as a spiritual practice. cfa1e77820